Technical Support

advice and support
We have hanging information PDFs for all our materials. We can either email them to you or you may download them from the links on individual product pages on this website.
If you have any concerns about the use of our wallcoverings on a specific site we can arrange a site visit to give advice on practical suitability, wall preparation etc. Similarly, once your project is underway, if you have any concerns about the appearance of our products or the manner of their installation, we’re happy to come to site to assist and advise.
We recommend the use of specialist ready mixed PVA adhesives for textile wallcoverings. Within the UK, these are termed “Red Top” and include brands such as Beeline, Albany, Bartoline and Muraspec. Do not use Solvite Red Top – it is not strong enough.
Basic information relating to fire rating, composition, weight, and cleaning will be found on our product binder pages and on individual product pages on this website. Please contact us for any other information you need. We’ll be happy to help.